Honey-Scented Black Tea (Eco+)
Origin: Hualien, Taiwan
Nt Weight: 50 grams / Canister
Tea can: tea canister, paper bag, tea instruction card
Vacuum bag: tea instruction card

The tea soup is a brilliant amber color, with a taste of honey and ripe fruit.

East Coast Taiwan, Award-winning, Single-Farm Tea
Mr. Lin's father planted 24,000 tea plants, but as he became older, his son took over the tea farm management. Mr. Lin is dedicated to his craft, and works diligently to manage and manufacture the finest Taiwanese tea.
The tea gardens are like a beautiful green patchwork on the mountain slopes of Liushi shi (60 stone) mountain. Mr. Lin is known both in Taiwan and internationally for his many tea competition awards. All this is possible through the support of his wife and their four precious daughters.
Brewing Suggestions
3.5 g
250 cc
2-3 minutes (*2 mins. for second brewing- adjust time for stronger or lighter taste)
Product Details

Product Safety Testing
Certification Body Name: Harmony Organic Agriculture Foundation
Certification Body ID: 1-010-100833
Tea Information
- Tree Species: TTES No. 12 (also known as "Jin Xuan" or "Golden Lily")
- Grams per can: 50g
- Origin: Liushishi Mountain, Fuli Township, Hualien County, organic tea garden located at an altitude of 945 meters on the Coastal Mountain Range
- Harvesting: Hand-picked tea / one bud with two leaves / one bud with three leaves